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BioDiesel Conclave 2023

The BioDiesel Association Of India
The Biodiesel Association of India (BDAI) is a non-profit national association representing the biofuels sector, and in particular the biodiesel industry as the co-ordinating body for marketing, research and development in the country to encourage Biofuels, especially Biodiesel & Compress Biogas and assure sustainable agricultural growth, rural development, energy security and equal opportunity for the masses with overall environmental protection. BDAI's membership is comprised of UCO Aggregators, Biodiesel manufacturer, Feedstock Plantation Organizations, Biodiesel suppliers, Fuel marketers & Distributors and Technology providers.
The Biodiesel Association of India (BDAI) is organized exclusively to promote the common business interests of those parties seeking to advance the use of biodiesel as a fuel or fuel additive that meets BIS standards. To advance these common interests, the BDAI will admit to membership, on a non-discriminatory basis, any industry member or supporter who meets the member requirements. Whether you are wanting to be a producer of biodiesel or are a company that supports the biodiesel industry through provision of goods and/or services or simply an individual that supports biodiesel, the BDAI has a lot to offer.
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